Children & Families

Sunday Morning Children's Programming
Nursery (0-2 yrs): 8:15, 9:30 & 11 AM
Preschool (2 yrs - K): 9:30 & 11 AM
Elementary (1st - 5th): 9:30 & 11 AM
Check in and print name tags via one of our check-in kiosks in the foyer or lower level. You can also check in via our Church Center app!
Sunday Morning Youth Programming
High School (9th - 12th) & Middle School (6th -8th): 9:30 AM
We encourage our students to attend the Sunday morning Worship Service during the hour their group doesn't meet. The High School meets in the Soli House on the North side of the parking lot and the Middle School meets in the Barn next door to the Soli.
June & December Programming Breaks
Every June and December we have a Sunday morning programming break for Elementary and Youth Ministries. While this provides an opportunity for our faithful teachers to get a much needed rest, the purpose behind this is actually much larger: we want to cast a vision for our students of what it looks like to participate in church services from time to time. In addition to preparing and equipping them for their future church environment, it provides an incredible opportunity for our kids to watch us model participation in a worship service. We have some additional resources for elementary kids during the services these months, and we enjoy having our kids join us!
Nursery through Kindergarten programming remains an option year-round on Sunday mornings: children 0-2 are welcomed in the nursery during all service times, and children age 2 - Kindergarten are welcomed in our lower level during the 9:30 and 11 AM services.